About Virtual

Virtual is a Duferco Group company working in the ICT environment.

Virtual is a Duferco Group company working in the ICT environment. We are a competence center in two main areas of IT Management: CyberSecurity and Business Continuity.

We project, realize, supply and maintain turn-key IT networks, with particular attention to security.

Our mission is to satisfy our customers’ needs, supplying leading edge ICT solutions. We have a large number of references and case-studies, stating our value added consultancy quality.

Virtual Srl ends the project financed pursuant to the Call “Digitization of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises” – POR Liguria FESR (Action 3.1.1)

Virtual Srl completed the digitization project financed under the call for tenders in October 2021.

In view of the P.O.R. FESR LIGURIA 2014-2020 – AXIS 3 “Competitiveness of companies“, 3.1.1 “Aid for investments in machinery, plants and intangible assets and accompaniment of corporate reorganization and restructuring processes“. Digitization of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises “, the European Union granted on 27-08-2020 to Virtual Srl a non-repayable grant in” de minimis “pursuant to EU Regulation no. 1407/2013 equal to Euro 5,000.00 (five thousand / 00).

This loan allowed the company to carry out the project presented which resulted in the purchase of 1 tablet, 7 laptops and a power supply for a total total cost of Euro 8,395.05.